Juniperus maritima

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Juniperus maritima


Juniperus maritima is our own local, somewhat rare, juniper. Mostly very coastal, even in the San Juan islands, on exposed, rocky slopes. Many appear as ancient gnarled beings, with areas of green life hanging on to twisted silver grey weathered dead wood. In younger years they shape themselves as rounded to conical large bushes. Resilient.

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Juniperus maritima Family: Cupressaceae

Common name: Seaside Juniper, Puget Sound Juniper

Size: small 15 - 25’, . width 10 - 20’ Shape: erect, pyramidal, often rounder when young

Growth rate: slow Foliage: typical juniper - blue-green/grey

Growing conditions: Drought tolerant, prefers sun and good drainage. Some say it likes lime

Uses and comments: Good for exposed sites, and coastal exposure. Good for windbreaks, screens, and foliage contrast in plantings. Originally considered the same as Rocky Mountain Juniper, Juniperus scopularum, it looks nearly identical, but is genetically quite distinct. J. scopularum is “weedier” in habit, often rapidly moving into fields and roadsides. J. maritima often appears relictual, as if it is an older shrinking population. Truly a Puget Sound plant, found in the NE Olympics, Whidbey, to Lesquiti island and adjacent Vancouver Island coast.